
Remote exams

Remote exams are remotely monitored online exams that you can take at any time and from anywhere. Once you have registered, you will receive your access data and a link to the exam app. You have the option of watching a test tutorial before the exam to familiarise yourself with the exam environment.

What technical requirements are needed?

  • Laptop / computer with 4GB of ram (no chrome books, tablets or surface pro) 
  • Windows v7.0+ or Mac10.8+ operating systems
  • Intel Core i3 (or equivalent) and 4GB RAM
  • A working webcam that can be used to scan the room, microphone and speakers
  • Internet connectivity with continuous internet speed of a minimum of 516kbps

Open exam dates

We offer open examination dates at our premises in Vienna as well as at various locations on fixed dates. In Vienna you are welcome to let us know your preferred date.

Examinations at the locations of the training institutes

Following the training, we conduct the certification examination directly on site.

Examinations after in-house training at the respective company location.