Frequently asked questions

Do you need support, do you have questions about the certification process, we support you and are happy to help you. Here you will find frequently asked questions. If you need additional information, please contact us at

Exam environment

If you are taking the exam in a language other than your native language, you are entitled to an extension of the exam time. If you have a visual or reading impairment, you can also apply for an extension of the examination time. Please let us know before you take the examination so that we can take your request into account.


Within a certain period of time, which is specified in the respective examination regulations, you can apply for an examination inspection. This is only possible in our offices in Vienna under supervision and consists of a target/actual comparison. You are not allowed to take notes. 
The costs for an examination inspection can be found in the Schedule of Fees.


If you wish to appeal against an examination decision, please send it to the e-mail address within the possible time limit, stating the reason. The reasons for an objection must be given in writing. We will take care of the further steps. The deadlines for an appeal can be found in the respective examination regulations.

Reprinting certificates

If you have misplaced your certificate, you can request a duplicate. Please contact us by email at:
The sending of a pdf is free of charge. The costs for a reprint of a printed certificate can be found in the fee schedule.

Fee schedule

Student discount

Students in initial training receive a 50% reduction on the certification fees for the following examinations:
IREB® CPRE Foundation Level
DDP - Digital Design Professional
iSAQB® CPSA Foundation Level

Certificate fees

Printed certificate - included in exam fee
Digital certificate - free of charge
Duplicate printed certificate - € 30 excl. VAT (€ 36 incl. VAT)

Examination viewing

€ 70 excl. VAT (€ 84 incl. VAT)
Examination fees for repeat examinations

The full examination fee will be charged for all re-examinations.
Fee for retaking the CPSA-A homework is € 750,-- excl. VAT (€ 900,-- incl. VAT)

Future Network Cert reserves the right to cancel exams. In this case, examination fees already paid will be refunded.